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The significance of play education in preschool children's "playing school"

The significance of play education in preschool children's "playing school"

1 The embodiment of "playing school" game

How to reflect play in "learning by play"? The main way is to play games. Gaming is an activity, a free and relaxing activity. It is the behavior that occurs by young children and others or by themselves. In the game, young children are active, like, and happy. Play is an activity in which preschoolers creatively reflect real life, and it is an activity in which children reflect the surrounding life in an imaginary situation. In kindergarten, play and activities in the five domains are combined.

2 Functions of game education

Game education includes three functions. One is the principle that preschool children learn from games to life. In happy play, children can easily learn language skills, hands-on skills and thinking skills. It helps children acquire knowledge, master skills and accumulate experience, and cultivate the necessary adaptability to enter primary school; second, games are the best form of activities to promote children's psychological development. Games are a positive way of emotional communication. It facilitates the production of various emotion types. In the game, it is inevitable to encounter negative emotions, and at this time, under the guidance of teachers or parents, children will gradually learn to control setbacks and learn to self-regulate emotions. Third, in the human group life, it is necessary to find a spiritual balance between the restrictions of group rules and the freedom of individuals, and game education is better equipped to let individuals get rid of social and cultural restrictions and find their truest self. , let children have a happy childhood in the most beautiful age; Fourth, games can promote children's physical growth and development, children are in a state of motion in the game, such as chasing, running, and jumping games, as small as jigsaw puzzles, painting, playing Sand and other games. These games can promote the development of young children's muscles, bones, etc.

3 The meaning of the game

In early childhood, the main task of young children is not to learn how much knowledge they gain, but to "play" and learn while playing, so the proportion of "playing" is far greater than that of learning. Because play is the nature of children, in early childhood, children's attention is still in the stage of unintentional attention, and they cannot concentrate well and are easily affected by external stimuli. In playing games, the forms and forms of games are ever-changing, and there is no dead rule, which can be changed at will with the change of children's attention. In this process, the teacher acts as a guide, a teacher who accompanies the children to play, or is a friend. The teacher can make full use of the form of play, and the children should master the morals, knowledge, and physical abilities that are suitable for children's development. Beauty and play go together. Let children learn knowledge and abilities without realizing it. Rather than the teacher's imposition of force on children. This is not only unacceptable to children in early childhood, but it will bring distress to children, make children have bad emotions, and is not conducive to the healthy development of children. We should advocate the transformation of the early childhood education model from "teaching as the center" to "learning by playing". Pay attention to the value that game education brings to children's development. Play education is of immeasurable significance for the development of young children. It has a huge impact on the development and improvement of children's creativity and creative thinking, intelligence and non-intellectual factors, and has a great impact on the physical and mental health of children.

4 Social phenomena for games

Now some parents think that playing is unnecessary and a waste of time. They think that children are not looking for happiness in kindergarten, but they are not learning to learn math, and even take these as a way to show off their children. In their view, play is a reward and rest for children to learn Chinese characters and count the number. For example, how many Chinese characters do I have to learn today? How many math problems do you have to do to play? You can play as long as you want. Over time, children will think that happiness is a rare emotion, and gradually start to lose their smiles and become a learning machine. This point of view is entirely because parents do not understand the child's you, and there is no real I went to understand the development of children, and equated children's play with adults' travel and leisure.

5 The status and form of the game

"Playing" in early childhood is an integral part of their growth. So how do you get your child to play in middle school in early childhood? In the view of the great educator Plato, he believes that play is the highest form of self-expression for young children, emphasizing that children's imagination and creativity should be developed through play. Dewey, an American educator, said, "Games are the most important activity for preschool children. For children, games are their life." Games can be children's games in kindergarten, or children's play in the family with their parents. play games.

6 Kindergarten Games

In children's daily life, in addition to eating, sleeping and other life activities, most of the time is spent playing games. Children often express their understanding of life, labor and learning through play. They like to gamify things that are closely related to them. It can be seen that children like games very deeply. A game in kindergarten, in which there are two subjects to pay attention to. One is that children are the main body of the game activities, and the other is that the teacher organizes the main body of the game. In the children are the main body of the game, the main body of the child is emphasized. The teacher should take the child as the center of the game, and all activities should be based on the healthy development of the child as a precondition. It is necessary to give full play to the subjectivity of children, make children actively participate in game activities, and let children become part of the game. As the main body of the organization game, the teacher emphasizes that the teacher plays a leading role, and its main task is to plan the goal of the game, and let the children play in a purposeful and organized manner. Teachers play games and learn together with children because of their participation in games, and help children when they encounter difficulties, but the help here is not to directly tell children how to do it, but to guide children to think. , to explore, let children use natural and relaxed cognitive theories such as unintentional attention, unintentional memory, etc. to learn some knowledge and skills during the game. This kind of learning method is the most acceptable learning method for children. Happy learning. Promote children's physical development and mental maturity, and promote children's psychological process and personality development. Children are emotionally excellent, so children like this way of learning, let children play in middle school, make children interested in learning, and do not reject kindergarten children, but like to go to kindergarten and fall in love with kindergarten.

7 Family Games

Play in the family refers to the games that the parents of the child or the child have a direct relationship with and the child plays in the family. Early childhood education does not think that children's development in school can be satisfied with the education of children, but it should be completed together with family education. Therefore, educational games should be introduced into the family. Because in the process of games, family games can increase the distance between children and parents, make a family warm up with love, and facilitate the close emotional communication between parents and children. In family games, parents can grasp the timing of children's development, guide children, and educate children according to the situation. Promote the physical and mental health of children. Children will transfer the attitudes, ways and methods of treating things that they get in family games to their real life, which is conducive to children's use of real ways to deal with them in interpersonal communication.